How to mine Kadena

    Kadena (KDA) is a hybrid blockchain network and smart contract platform that aims to unite public applications, private blockchains, and other interoperable chains in one place, driving traffic to the high-bandwidth computer at the heart of the Kadena public chain. Kadena’s mining algorithm is Blake2S, which supports ASIC mining.

    Feel free to check out the official website and block explorer to get more familiar with Kadena before continuing. You can also find a summary of Kadena metrics and other resources on our Kadena page.

    1. Obtain suitable hardware

    ✅ Kadena can be efficiently mined with ASIC miners.

    ❌ Kadena cannot be efficiently mined with CPUs, GPUs and FPGA miners.

    View our Miners page to discover the most profitable mining rigs for Kadena.

    2. Sign up for an f2pool account

    You will need to create an f2pool account before mining Kadena. If you do not have one yet, please click here to register.

    Set an account name. This will be required for configuration. You are free to create multiple subaccounts to mine KDA, and monitor your mining machines.

    3. Obtain and add wallet address

    You’ll need to get a wallet address if you do not have one already. A Kadena wallet address is required for you to receive your mining rewards.

    We recommend the official Kadena full node wallet. After installing it, click Receive to get your new wallet address.

    If you choose to use a k:-prefixed address, please make sure it match its keys-all. You may view the keys-alls on this page.

    You can also choose an exchange, such as KuCoin or Binance. Note: You should always do your own due diligence when choosing a wallet provider or exchange.

    To add your wallet to your f2pool account, enter your Account Settings page, choose a mining account or subaccount, and select the KDA icon. Then, click Add KDA Address and complete the following steps. After the wallet address is added successfully, f2pool distributes mining rewards on a daily basis to every user who reaches the payout threshold, which is 2 KDA. f2pool’s KDA payout scheme is 3% PPS.

    4. Configure your mining device

    Please use your f2pool account name when configuring your rigs, and your rigs must be connected to one of the f2pool servers listed below for your hashrate and reward to be recorded and monitored.

    You will need to enter the following information in your mining device:

    URL: stratum+tcp://

    Username: accountName.workerName

    Password: Your choice

    Please note

    workerName is optional, but we recommend connecting each mining device with a separate workerName for efficient monitoring.

    5. Start mining!

    Your machines are now ready to mine! You can manage your account settings and monitor your hashrate, revenue, and payouts in your dashboard or in our f2pool app.

    If you run into any problems mining Kadena, please feel free to reach out to our customer service team at, open a support ticket, or start a conversation on Reddit.

    To stay updated with the latest PoW news and developments, follow us on X!

    Happy mining!